
Check out my view from the convertible this morning as I was being chauffeured into town this morning.

photo(129) That’s right! Sunrise in the front…moon in the back. Kinda cool, huh?

On the drive in, Rader and I were just chatting it up like we always do, and I told him about a friend of mine posting this link to my FB page and telling me that when she read the article she thought of me because “you are one of the most “human” people I know! You’re a great role model for living authentically!” THIS is the biggest compliment I have ever been given and it truly touched me. (and not even in the naughty, below the belt way…which has always been my favorite touching up until now.) I think this is what people sometimes refer to as “feelings.” So foreign, yet so nice…

Anyway, I told Rader this story and he said “You know mom, you may not be ‘funky fresh’ but you don’t front and that’s cool.”

I am now striving to achieve level funky fresh.

In other news, 3 years ago this week, El Jefe and I were planning our first date…which actually took place on September 10, 2010. Check out our very first picture together…


Aw. Aren’t we adorable? Yes. Yes we are.

It’s funny when I think back to those days. I had known El Jefe for 10 years. We had worked together and lived next door to each other…and we had always been friends. He always made me laugh. I was floored when he contacted me. I thought “Is he flirting? No way.”  And then… YES WAY. OMG. I was so nervous. I had gone out with a few guys since my separation, but no one I was really into. Mostly they were just young and dumb and full of ego. (AHEM. Yes. Ego.) (or multiple personalities. I wish I was joking…) Anyway, I’ve been feeling nostalgic this week. We are a good fit. We are happy. I am happy. And I am so glad I took a chance and started a new chapter in my life with a man that is so smart and funny and now I can call him ALL MINE.  He’s a pretty lucky guy, too, me being so awesome and all…

And his response to that would be:

3rrcpgIf you watch Sons of Anarchy…He’s my Opie.

Sure, Jax is the “hot one” but Opie is the one that I want. Big and burly on the outside, soft like a kitteh on the inside. Shhhhh. Don’t tell El Jefe I said that. It sounds like he may have the feelz. He refuses to acknowledge he feels the feelz. 🙂

but he totally does.

Happy Thursday, Bitches! I’m gonna shine bright like a diamond today. Put your shades on!

Melf unplugged

The fellas (minus Ian because he’s a working man now) and I will be heading to the lake tomorrow for a full day and night of fun. And then we will rinse and repeat on Sunday. I am so ready for a break.

Which means, I’m unplugging this weekend. Sure I’ll have my phone on me (because I can’t NOT take pictures!!) but I am not gonna be online. Yup. Even Facebook. (maybe) (probably) (possibly) (hopefully) (not much). At. All.

Try not to miss me!

In other internet news… There has been a couple of really fantastic discussions on one of my favorite blogs. If you’re interested in seeing how internet discussion SHOULD work, check out this blog post over at Raising Kids Without Religion.

Actually, there are two pretty great discussions going on right now:

God as a placebo
Children Taking a Different Path

I really enjoy reading the well thought out discussions and the respectful way they are conducted. Religion (and politics) can be such divisive topics that they are rarely discussed without anger and condescension. It is so refreshing to know there are places on the internetz that allow for these discussions without all the child-like behavior. Who knew that could exist? I never leave that website wanting to yell MOM! SOMEONE IS WRONG ON THE INTERNET AGAIN!

Okay my bitches! I leave you with your moment of zen…which will also give you an idea of what I will be doing all weekend long…


Independence Day…

Tomorrow is Independence Day in the US. And many of us will celebrate by eating too much, drinking too much, and blowing stuff up. Very American!

My kiddo is traveling with his friend to the lake where I hope he’ll have a great time. This is our first year sans lakehouse, since my parents sold their place in the winter. It sucks because I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at the lake celebrating the holiday.

Maybe I’ll buy a kiddie pool and just hang out in the sun. I could also jump on the trampoline. And then blow stuff up.

I was chatting with the mom of Rader’s friend this morning and she was giving me all the details of the trip, where they’re gonna be, and that there will be 2 pediatric doctors with them so I don’t have to worry. And I laughed and replied that I’m not a big worrier.

It’s funny, because you would think I would be a worrier, given the fact that child has broken his nose 6 times since he was 18 months old…And because he doesn’t seem to have any real fear. He’ll try just about anything– once.

But I don’t worry. He’s really a good kid. He’s one of the most respectful and smart boys his age and I’m so happy to know that I’ve done my job right. I get constant compliments on him. His manners, his charm, his sincerity. He is kind. (He is smart. He is important.) I don’t have to lecture him to feel like I’m parenting. I don’t have to demand things from him, and rarely do I have to yell at him. El Jefe and I were talking about it the other day, how awesome it is that both of the boys rarely need a lecture. We figure we have to “get on to them” about twice a year. And that’s usually because they slack off on their chores around the house.

Twice a year. heh.

It’s so nice not to have to yell about everything or threaten them. I love a drama-free life.

I have great kids.


It’s obvious I am being rewarded for being even more awesome in another life.

Now…who has a pool and wants to invite Jefe and I over tomorrow? We’ll bring things to blow up! And beer. We’ll definitely bring beer.

Happy 4th! Celebrate your freedoms. Even if you’re a woman, and your freedoms are slowly being taken away from you. Celebrate what you have while you have it!


You Just Broke Your Child. Congratulations.

You Just Broke Your Child. Congratulations..


I’ll write a real post tomorrow talking about my awesome trip. But I read this today, and felt the need to share it. Parenting isn’t easy. It isn’t about controlling or yelling or tearing your child down or making your child feel worthless because he/she disappointed you. And this blog post really applies to every parent on earth. Read it. Apply it to your life.



So, I’ve been on an eternal quest for a healthier lifestyle…for oh, let’s say, eternity.

In March, I added a new skin care regime, because as I lose weight, it is highly possibly that I’ll get wrinkles. And as a woman of 44 years, who still gets carded on a regular basis, the last thing I need or want is to get wrinkles. At least, not yet.

I’ve been using Meaningful Beauty for 3 full months now, and this is me today, without any makeup on and no filters.

Today: No makeup. Fewer laugh lines and crows feet

Today: No makeup. Fewer laugh lines and crows feet

Not too bad for a 44 year old broad, huh? I was trying to find a good comparison picture. I found 1 that would work, but I have full makeup and glasses on so it was difficult to see the difference around the eyes. However the difference around the mouth is pretty significant.

Now, I purchased this product, so MB isn’t paying me anything to review it. Here’s what I have to say.

Yes, my skin looks fantastic and feels SMOOOOOOVE like a baby’s bottom. I’ve noticed a definite fading of crow’s feet and my laugh lines (which I actually love) are noticeably less prominent. I have no issues going without makeup (even though I need new lashes ASAP. Has anyone seen my eyes? Yeah, me either.)

I’m not a huge fan of the cleansing lotion. It doesn’t foam or bubble up, and I feel like I’m having to use more of it than I should. The kit doesn’t come with a night cream, so I use the day cream at night. That’s a huge disappointment. You have the option to ‘customize’ your kit and can add the night cream that way.

I also do not like the “club” set up, however, I have my automatic delivery for 20 weeks, which I can change at any time if I run low. That’s a nice option. Most “clubs” force your into a 90 Day /12 week automatic delivery.

The price point isn’t bad, especially if you set up your delivery for 4 months or more. I don’t need to use a lot of product, one little dab will do ya… or at least it does me. I’ve decided to keep using the product for at least one more round.

In Eating Cleaner news:

I fired up the grill and loaded it with some awesome locally grown veggies this weekend. Sweet potatoes, asparagus, okra, squash, green beans, tomatoes. I also grilled some pineapple, which was oh so yummy. We ate very well this weekend, let me tell ya.

I walked every day for an hour. Monday was hard because Sunday I had some girlfriends over and we enjoyed muy wine. I’ll have you know, I still did not go over my calories for the day, thankyouverymuch.

In OMG how awesome news, I met Ian’s friend-girl this week. (OMG, she’s adorbs). I’m not sure if they’re going to officially ‘date’ or not, it’s really not my business yet (it won’t be until it’s her birthday or Christmas, and then I’ll need to know if I need to buy her a present or not. Haha) But anyway, we were all hanging out on Wednesday and we were talking about parents and parenting styles etc., and I made a comment that sometimes parents have really high expectations of their kids and no matter what they accomplish, it won’t be enough because they expect more. (this is a concept I don’t understand as a parent, but I understand as a kid of those parents.) I said, “for example, I’ve published two young adult novels with a very prestigious publisher, and sometimes I think my mom still thinks I could do better.” She stopped and looked at me and said, “Wait. You’re Melissa Francis? As in BITE ME AND LOVE SUCKS Melissa Francis?”

Me: Yep.


Me: Happy happy joy joy can’t stop smiling.

And in other O517I1Qi7nnL._SY300_MG Awesome News…I got to see my Stacey Jay this weekend! Have you pre-ordered her latest book yet? WHY NOT?


order it. devour it. review it. and email Stacey and tell her she is made of awesome. (because she totes is).

Find Stacey on Facebook

Stacey on the web

Stacey on Twitter: @stacey_jay

Okay, there’s my weekend recap. It was a great weekend. The boys enjoyed Riverfest. Jefe and I enjoyed each other and the beautiful weather, and I also enjoyed my girl time with some of my besties. Life doesn’t suck.

2013: Month of Mel Days 16-25

I took a blogging break for my birthday month. Sometimes a girl just needs a little downtime. So…let me catch you up.

My TreeFrog turned 19 on the 16th. We had Japanese food and pedicures to celebrate.

Rader went for Catholic High colors. Ian chose to be Emo Nemo with black toes and I really wanted a touch of spring, so I chose the lovely blue.

Last week, my friend Lynne did my lashes for me. And now my eyes POP.

It’s amazing how different having long lashes can make your eyes look. My natural lashes are thin, straight, short and blond. (sounds like my first boyfriend!) Curling and mascara don’t really help much.

I’m totes digging the lashes. I’m bangin’ hot now. (not that I wasn’t before. but whatever.)

It seems that Mother Nature decided that since I bought a convertible AND got my toes did, that she needed to punish me for wishful thinking. Spring has not sprung. I need some warm weather, stat. I need some sun on my skin, wind in my hair, and quality time on a boat. Sooner rather than later.

Hope you guys had a good week and weren’t too bored without me. I know, I miss y’all, too.

2013: Month of Mel day 6

So, how’s the happiest month on earth been treating you so far? According to my horoscope, I am “about to enter a magical month that will bring a planetary lineup so rare and beneficial that I won’t see this type of sparkling support again for decades.”

Sparkling support. Damn right it’s the Month of Mel. I wonder if this is the type of sparkling support they were talking about? Hmmm probably not.

It’s supposed to be beautiful and warm this weekend, which means I can take Sally Sparkle out with her top down! Yay! Aside from the first day I bought her, I’ve not been able to drive her topless…it’s been cold and windy and we even had some snow (flurries)! Of course, I know it was just Mother Nature giving me a nod…sending me little bits of sparkle from the sky to celebrate my month. Thanks for loving me, MN. You’re mostly awesome!

As many of you know, I share my birthday month with my eldest son, Ian. He will be 19 next weekend. All he has asked for is to spend time with us and a few friends…we are doing a spa day, then taking him to Oaklawn. It’s gonna be a great day! He’s very excited about it. As am I.

what color should we paint our toes?

I love that my boys want to give me a pedicure for my birthday and that they WANT to get their toes done as well. My kids are awesome.


Yeah. I’m wearing my sassy pants today. And they look GOOD  on me, too.

I love it when I wake feeling sassy. There’s nothing like living your life in color, ya know? And since I’m determined to make 2013 my bitch, I’m in living color every day. (Every day I’m not down with the flu that is. heh)

The LR 1/2 Marathon is about 6 weeks away! I’m really looking forward to it, even though I’ll be worn-smooth-out when it’s over. I am gonna be wearing my Funky Tights and a smile. And possibly a tiara–because, why wouldn’t I? I’m down 10 lbs since the beginning of the year and have hopes to be down another 10 by the marathon.  Go TEAM MELF!

Rader and I had a great dinner last night. We were talking about school and his future and where he might want to go to college. He surprised me when he told me he plans to get a full scholarship to UCLA. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt that boy can get a full scholarship anywhere he chooses…I was just really surprised to hear he wants to Left Coast it.

It fits him, though. Completely. He’s my little hippie. He’s very much like his momma. Peace, love and laughter seems to be his life’s motto and California would definitely suit him.

My monkey boy. He’s trying to grow up right in front of me.

Happy Thursday

I’m in a great mood today. Rader Tater made the JROTC Drill Team at school. This is awesome, as not a lot of freshmen are invited to try out. What isn’t awesome? Having to get him to school before 7:00 a.m.

But my parental proudness outweighs my general early morning crankiness…so today is an epic win.

I’ve been really happy lately. I feel great about getting back to me… when I turned 40, I was really exercising and focusing on feeling good about myself. It was a process I started when we lived in Oxford…not long after our home renovations were done, and I was working for someone who made me miserable, plus the marriage was starting to unravel and I was in denial about it. So I started exercising and trying to lose the 50lbs of security blanket I had added to my body. It’s amazing how just adding a 2 mile walk a few days a week to my life made me feel much better about myself.

Recently, I’ve had some personal issues pop up that haven’t been fun. I made peace with them, apologized for my part, and moved on. And wow, how good does it feel to be at peace…and to be able to focus on the positive again. Bootcamp is going great. My butt is looking better than ever! (I saw you looking. It’s okay.) The boys are happy at home, we laugh every night and every morning. (Although, I’m not gonna lie…I’d love JUST ONCE to take Rader to school and not have to talk about farts. This morning’s conversation? “Mom. I had the WEIRDEST fart yesterday.”)

I’m in control of my own happiness. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. I’m so pleased with where my life is right now. Sure, there are aspects of it that could use a little nudge in a different direction, but damn, focusing on the negative just gives you wrinkles. And a bad outlook on life.

So…in light of the “thankfulness” theme going on right now…I’m so thankful for my family. And that includes my dear friends. I am so lucky to have two wonderful boys with fantastic senses of humor and who still kiss me goodnight before they go to bed every night. I am thankful for the wonderful man in my life who loves me despite my glaring flaws and who forgives me when I’m stupid. And who laughs at my jokes, even when they aren’t funny (which is rare, because as you all know, I’m VERY funny). I’m thankful for forgiveness…and the ability to learn from my mistakes and move on. I’m so thankful I’m healthy and happy. Life could be so much worse.

And with that. Happy Thursday. Life is good. Go forth and share a smile today.